How to Add Links to your Instagram Story

By crystal on Monday, August 31st, 2020 in Blog. No Comments

Instagram stories is a great way to engage your followers and potential customers. Currently, you can only add a link to your Instagram story if you have over 10,000 followers on your account. This is unfortunate for new business or smaller accounts that want to link to their website, blog, or new products. The good […]

The Importance of Storytelling in Marketing

By crystal on Monday, August 24th, 2020 in Blog. No Comments

  In 2009 Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn did a fascinating experiment called significant objects. They bought 100 random objects averaging $1.25 apiece. They then asked 100 different authors to compose a compelling story about each of these objects. They listed these items on eBay and turned their $129 investment into an $8,000 profit! They […]

Why Branding is Critical to Your Company’s Success

By crystal on Monday, August 17th, 2020 in Blog. No Comments

Many people think branding is just your logo, name, and slogan. While branding does include those elements, it is so much more than that. You can break up the concept of branding into three divisions: Visuals (logo, font, colors, website, print materials, graphics, photos), Words (copy, tone, mission, promises, slogan/tagline), and Abstract (culture, values, personality, […]

The Importance of Keeping Consistent During a Crisis

By crystal on Monday, August 10th, 2020 in Blog. No Comments

2020 may be a year for the history books with everything that this world has been through. But just because the year has been one big mess, that doesn’t mean your online presence and business has to be one. You can’t let your website slip or become out of date, just because you think the […]

5 Reasons Your Website May Be Driving Customers Away

By crystal on Monday, August 3rd, 2020 in Blog. No Comments

Have your digital sales been slow? Are you noticing an increased bounce rate from your website? Are you struggling to find out why your site is not performing like your competitors? To land sales, your customers must trust your website. It is important to know the reasons why your pages are failing to produce results. […]