Why is My Website Not Ranking on Google?

It can be very frustrating to find your website is not ranking on Google. Here we will discuss 6 reasons why your website might not be ranking well, and how to fix it.

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Reason 1 – You don’t have Google My Business set up.


If you don’t have a Google My Business account set up, its’ time to create one. You can sign up here, and it will walk you through the steps to create and verify your business. It is vital to have this account set up so you can be found on Google maps. Your Google My Business account will also let your customers or client give you reviews, which is important for consumer trust. You can also make a post or create offers that will show up on your Google listing.


Reason 2 – Your website is too new


Did you just launch your website? Your site may not be index yet with google. It can take a few weeks for google to scrape your website and index it. Be sure that your website has a sitemap. A sitemap lets search engines know the location of a page on your website, when it was created/updated, and how the page relates to other pages on your website. If you need assistance with this a professional web developer can help.


Reason 3- Your website is not mobile-friendly


Did you know that 52.2 percent of all website traffic is generated from mobile phones? Google takes mobile very seriously when it comes to SEO. You might be doing everything right on your website, but if it’s not mobile-friendly you will not rank. If you don’t know if your website is mobile-friendly, you can check it here. If it turns out your site is not optimized for mobile, you can reach out to a professional website design for help.

Reason 4 – Your page speed is too slow


What is page speed? Page speed is how fast the content on any given page of your website loads. Studies show a one-second delay results in a 7% drop in conversions. If your page speed is slow it can hurt you in 2 ways: first, if your page speed is too slow your customers will not convert, and second, you will not rank high in google search.  A variety of reasons could be causing your slow page speed. You can check your page speed here to see what may be affecting it.

Reason 5 – You’re not writing consistent content


Writing new content can be time-consuming and difficult for some. The most important thing you can do for your website is to write content on a schedule. Writing here and there will not benefit you as much SEO wise as writing on a schedule. If you can’t keep with a schedule, consider hiring a content writer to help.


Reason 6 – You are not utilizing social media


If you are not on social media, it's time to start. Google uses something called social signals to determine if businesses are active and in turn rank them hire. Social media doesn’t have to be complicated. Did you write a new blog? Post it on your business pages. Have an event coming up or a sale you want people to know about, let the people know on social media. Not only will this signal google that things are active, but you can also bring in new clients directly from your social sites.