4 Steps to Coming Up With a Marketing Strategy

Having a marketing strategy is essential to any business. You can’t just jump into a business and expect it to all magically work out on its own, it takes a plan. One of the many plans you will have when it comes to your business, is a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy gives you a set roadmap to attracting the correct customers in a smart and organized way. A marketing strategy will bring the big picture of your business to light and help you reach your overall goals.

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But how do you create a marketing strategy? There are many steps to this process and it can be a complicated one, needing to dig deep into what you want to get out of your business and relying on the minds and talents of those on your team who are specialists in their areas. However, to get you started, here are four points to get you going on planning out your marketing strategy.

Know your audience

To know your audience, you have to seek out their needs and be able to solve all of their problems before they even have any. You can discover this using different research methods, such as surveys, focus groups, paying attention to analytics, demographics, reviews, conversions, and other online behaviors. To go even further, you can create buyer personas to make a generalized representation of your different types of customers and how to attract them.

Know your audience

To know your audience, you have to seek out their needs and be able to solve all of their problems before they even have any. You can discover this using different research methods, such as surveys, focus groups, paying attention to analytics, demographics, reviews, conversions, and other online behaviors. To go even further, you can create buyer personas to make a generalized representation of your different types of customers and how to attract them.

Decide your top three goals for the year

You can use the SMART method of goal setting when identifying your business goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Therefore, as it would state, you make sure you have clear goals that you can measure but are also achievable in your time frame while being relevant to your business.

Decide on your marketing methods

Now that you know what your goals are and who your customers are, it’s important to also know how to implement them. Next, you would have to decide on your marketing methods. Your marketing methods can be anything from online advertising to SEO and paid search, to trade shows, direct mail to ads, and more.

In the end, a marketing strategy isn’t something that can be done in a half-hour meeting. It takes time, thought, research, consideration, and teamwork to decide on the exact plan. And just because you come up with a plan, doesn’t mean it can’t change slightly over time to suit your new needs, feedback and methods. As the times and trends change, even within one year’s time, your marketing strategy has to change as well.